As the excitement builds for Euro 2024, one name that is generating significant buzz in the footballing world is Dusan Vlahovic. The Serbian striker has been making headlines with his impressive performances at Juventus, and he is poised to be a standout player in the upcoming European Championship. His combination of physicality, technical ability, and goal-scoring prowess makes him a key player for Serbia and a potential game-changer in the tournament.

Early Career and Rise to Prominence

Dusan Vlahovic began his professional career at Partizan Belgrade, where he quickly established himself as a prolific goal scorer. His talent was evident from a young age, leading to a move to Fiorentina in 2018. It was in Serie A that Vlahovic truly began to shine, consistently finding the back of the net and catching the eye of top clubs across Europe. His breakthrough season came in 2020-2021, when he scored 21 goals in the league, demonstrating his ability to perform at the highest level.

Move to Juventus and Continued Success

In January 2022, Vlahovic made a high-profile transfer to Juventus, one of Italy’s most storied clubs. The move was seen as a significant step up for the young striker, and he did not disappoint. Vlahovic quickly adapted to the demands of playing for a top club, showcasing his skills in both domestic and European competitions. His ability to hold up the ball, link play, and finish with both feet has made him a critical asset for Juventus.

Key Attributes

Vlahovic’s game is characterised by several key attributes that make him a standout striker:

  1. Physical Presence: Standing at 6’3″, Vlahovic is a formidable physical presence in the box. His strength allows him to outmuscle defenders and win aerial duels, making him a constant threat from crosses and set-pieces.
  2. Technical Ability: Despite his size, Vlahovic possesses excellent technical skills. His first touch, dribbling, and close control enable him to manoeuvre  in tight spaces and create opportunities for himself and his teammates.
  3. Finishing: Vlahovic is a natural finisher with a keen eye for goal. Whether it’s a powerful strike from distance, a precise finish inside the box, or a header, he has the versatility to score in various ways.
  4. Work Ethic: Known for his relentless work rate, Vlahovic presses defenders, tracks back to help his team, and consistently looks to improve his game. This dedication has endeared him to fans and coaches alike.

Impact on Serbia’s Euro 2024 Campaign

As Serbia prepares for Euro 2024, Vlahovic will undoubtedly be the focal point of their attack. His ability to score goals and create chances will be crucial for Serbia’s chances of advancing in the tournament. Paired with other talented players like Sergej Milinković-Savić and Filip Kostić, Vlahovic has the potential to lead Serbia to new heights.

Euro 2024 Odds and Expectations

With Vlahovic leading the line, Serbia is seen as a dark horse in Euro 2024. While traditional powerhouses like France, Germany, and Spain are the favourites, Serbia’s odds have improved thanks to the presence of their star striker. For those interested in the latest betting insights and predictions, checking out the Euro 2024 Odds can provide a comprehensive overview of where Serbia stands among the competition.


Dusan Vlahovic’s journey from Partizan Belgrade to Juventus has been marked by rapid development and consistent goal-scoring. As he heads into Euro 2024, all eyes will be on the Serbian striker to see if he can elevate his game on the international stage and lead Serbia to a deep run in the tournament. Given his track record and skill set, Vlahovic is undoubtedly a player to watch and a key figure in the unfolding drama of Euro 2024.