Prisma Investigators wanted Andrea Agnelli under house arrest

Throughout the course of the previous campaign, Juventus were haunted by a never-ending investigation regarding alleged capital gains registered through unlawful manners.

At the end of the day, the sporting court acquitted the club as well as a host of top officials who were charged by investigators. The list includes, president Andrea Agnelli, vice president Pavel Nedved, CEO Maurizio Arrivabene and former sporting director Fabio Paratici.

Nonetheless, the case known as “Prisma” isn’t over yet. After the sporting trial, the club is about to face the criminal justice.

According to Calciomercato, there are 16 suspects under investigation at Juventus – One being the club as an independent entity, plus 15 of its officials.

Moreover, the source claims that the investigators asked to put Agnelli under house arrest.

Thankfully for the patron, the request was rejected by the judge who deemed such measure unnecessary since there’s no risk of him escaping justice or destroying evidence.

After concluding the investigation, the prosecutors will now press charges against the club and its officials, and if the judge accepts it, then they will have their day at court.

As the source mentions, the prosecutors will accuse the club of hiding the real values of some of their transfer dealings while also making suspicious actions related to the players’ wages during the Covid-19 pandemic.